Saturday, January 5, 2008

Temporary Fix for Domain Issue

Hi, we are aware of the current issue regarding the domain name, and we have already taken action to resolve the problem. However, DNS changes take time to propogate. Should you wish to have immediate access to the website and widgets on your computer, you can use the following instructions to resolve the domain successfully. Please note that other visitors to your blog may not have the same results. DNS changes come into affect at different times on different international locations.

You can edit your hosts file:
Open up notepad.
Open this file: C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (no file extension).
Add this line in after other lines:

We are aware this is a temporary fix and the permanent solution as well as full service will be back online shortly at

1 comment:

doiwl said...

Should add another entry in the HOST file, if not it will not work